Dear Zoey + Emma,
I was never big on following traditions. I always thought they were lame and old fashioned.
Nor was I a fan of the word traditional as I associated that with boring, old and “so 1920’s” (or in your case, “so 1990’s”) Fresh, new, innovative was more my lingo.
It wasn’t until we started our family that I began to enjoy and appreciate creating our own little traditions.
Simple traditions like daddy setting up the ol’ tripod to take a family photo in our backyard when the leaves change colour is my most favourite of them all.
I’ve learned that it’s important to create these special little traditions. In the midst of leaves changing colour and life moving through different seasons, it’s comforting to know that some things are certain and will never change.
As you can see, some traditions may not always be picture perfect in the moment, but when you look back on them you couldn’t picture it any differently.
And it’s sure to make you smile.
Through and through,