Happy 3rd, Baby Girl


Dear Zoey,
We’re amazed at how much you’ve grown. The silly and sweet things you do and say makes watching you grow such a joy, but it also comes with heartache because you’ll never be that beloved baby girl with those chubby wubby cheeks or those chubby yummy thighs that we loved to chomp on so much.
Your favorite thing to say right now is “One day…” as in “One day, Zoey will go to school with Emma” or “One day, Zoey will drink coffee” or “One day, Zoey will go grocery shopping with Emma” or “One day, Zoey will hold Emma’s hand in the parking lot” or “One day, Zoey will drive.”
Reality is one day you will go to school, drink coffee, go grocery shopping, be an amazing big sister to Em and one day with daddy’s permission, drive.
One day, not only will you drive but you will go places further than you possibly could’ve imagined. With God in the driver’s seat, nothing is impossible.
One day, you will be a shining light and become a strong woman of faith, compassion and love that will not only make us smile, but God smile too.
But now we live for today and today we celebrate you.
Today, you turn 3 and we’re already so proud of you.
Today, you are (and always will be) our baby girl. We love you more than ever and that will never ever change. Not even one day.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Zoey Bean.

ps. Thanks to daddy for taking these wonderful photos. I loved our fun little photo shoot!

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