
Dear Zoey,
I’m writing this as you’re fast asleep right now. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, you’ll be 2!
I can’t believe it’s been another year.
You amaze me every day with the things you do and say.
You’re growing up so fast, but our love for you is growing even faster.
I love that you’re so full of life and so full of pure joy for the simple things.
I never thought that my own child would be teaching me life’s most important lessons, but you challenge me every day
…in more ways than one!
Your hugs and kisses melt my heart. Your laughs and smiles brighten my world.
Simply put, you make us so happy, Zoey. Because of you, we know the meaning of true love and joy.
Happy 2nd Birthday, sweetheart. May you become the strong and beautiful woman of God that you were created to be.
May He guide, protect and bless you through the years and forevermore.
We love you, through and through.

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